We don't have added costs of transport, packaging and advertising when you buy through CSAs, the farmer receives a larger portion of the food dollar.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions - Part IV

Do we pay the membership fee and then have additional costs for the items that we want to purchase?  
NO additional fees! you pay upfront and get back $220 value, at least

How and when do we let you know what we want to purchase?
select online or on farm - upick as often or as little as you want - weekly, monthly, quarterly - there is no expiration date on your share - you may want more frozen items for the winter - its entirely up to you

Your email says the for the $195 membership fee we will receive $220 in value. 
you pay upfront and get back $220 value, at least

But then it lists prices for vegetables.  
we have baskets $10 (laundry basket) $4 (smaller basket) which we get from the dollar store - you fill them and this price is subtracted from your share

$220 value per share
-10 basket week of June 15th
$210 balance
not only are you getting more for your money in price but our $10 basket is worth more like $20 in the supermarket

Can we pick out what we want?/ What do we actually receive for the membership fee?
lots of organic produce and artisan products
once you join - you'll receive a shopping list to track your choices - see our blog for more information or visit us on

March 26th - "Maple Syrup Weekend" CSA open house
we are just 2 miles from Ben & Judy's Sugarhouse
look for signs on Rt 8 "U-PICK CSA Open House"
meet in person, visit the farm and animals, refreshments served
learn more about our C i r c l e CSA , member benefits, and sustainable agriculture!

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