We don't have added costs of transport, packaging and advertising when you buy through CSAs, the farmer receives a larger portion of the food dollar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

C i r c l e CSA and Custom Woodwork

 As  a member, you'll receive so many cost savings - we hope you join us.   Many members have asked "How do you make money?" Answer, "We don't - if we cover costs to save this land and open space for future generations, we are lucky."  We saved an expansive panorama in our scenic river valley- most of it preserved for natural habitat.  Our horses, goats, and chickens provide composted manure for the fields that we work - sustainable agriculture preserves our ecosystems - wildlife preservation and dedicated areas untouched by humans - preserved forests and orchards.  Nina has planted only heirloom vegetables tirelessly for 22 years.  Gene is a 30 year carpenter now customizing work to order!  Our hay is the best - ask any animal!  Call or email us to join our CSA - you'll also receive discounts on custom woodwork like these great outdoor showers.

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