We don't have added costs of transport, packaging and advertising when you buy through CSAs, the farmer receives a larger portion of the food dollar.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fill a Smaller Basket with Italian Specialty Vegetables

We will offer a smaller sized basket for our custom Italian vegetables - these can not be offered in your typical laundry sized basket but you will get a generous supply within reason.  There will be certain items you can't pick directly from our fields - like the garlic. It is picked and hung to dry in July - once it is ready for sale - we will apportion member sized baskets available in the store to deduct from your share.  Hardneck garlic retails for $1.30 at garlic festivals and stores - members will pay 40% less.  Tomatoes and Peppers - these are all heirloom varieties which sell for $4/lb retail - they must be picked at the right stage of ripeness - we'll offer a generous supply in a smaller sized basket.  Members will receive instruction on how to pick and handle these items correctly - and are welcome to pick directly from the fields within reason - so that all members get a share of these items.

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