We don't have added costs of transport, packaging and advertising when you buy through CSAs, the farmer receives a larger portion of the food dollar.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ramps are In - Goats are Out!

Happy Spring!
Ramps are picked with a limit per member of 2 bunches (quantity same as shown here!) cleaned and ready for one more washing when you get them home.  Quantity is limited.  I roasted them and ate with Pasta e Olio.  Please contact me to reserve your bunches - if you want some - I am delivering these since that is the only item available right now.

Drop off point.
For members in Utica/NH area, we need a drop off point - a store with refrigeration would be best - for those rare occasions you need a delivery.  I will try and find one but any member who has a suggestion - please let me know.

Our goats are out in their newly fenced pasture

covered with a variety of good eatings - the wild roses, thorn apple, the more thicket the more they like it, with some grass here and there.  Lots of varied terrain so they don't get bored and best of all - rocks to climb!  Here's the happy HERD!!  

Make sure to look for them near the store when you visit on Sat, Sun, or Mon after Memorial Day weekend - the start of our weekly CSA -  the store will be stocked and more greens are foraged...

1 comment:

  1. Members feel free to post your comments on our blog
    we need your feedback to generate discussion, attract new members, and create a history of our work together - saving farmland and small scale farmers.

    "The ramps are beautiful - Thank you!"
    .......................................................a member comment via email


We welcome your comments posted - moderator will review as appropriate.